A Postcard of Love

Last evening in yoga class, during the cool down period (shavasana) my wonderful instructor suggested we bring up an image of someone we care deeply about, and then go home and call or write them telling them so.

I contemplated this on the way home, and found myself sending a mental postcard of love to many people in my life, as they presented themselves in my imagination. By the time I got home (a fifteen mile drive) I felt very mellow and loving. Too late to phone and, having put in a fifteen hour day, too tired to email, I was content to have, in thought-form, sent them all a bit of appreciation, gratitude, and love.

I woke up this morning, and the first thing I recalled was this pleasant and heart-warming exercise on the drive home. I felt like doing it some more… and so I send YOU, dear reader, a postcard of love, and appreciation, simply knowing that somewhere on the planet, you are making my day happier, better, sweeter, because you breathe, because you are you.

May you have a Truly Excellent, Happy Day!

Choose Happiness!

In the meditation I read this morning the author said, “Your odds for success are greatly enhanced if you speak the ‘language’ of those with whom you are dealing.

“So, if you want to manifest in the universe, you have to speak in the same language as Spirit. When the Creator said “let there be Light,” there was Light!”

The author goes on to say that as we are made in the spiritual likeness of the Creator, what we speak becomes manifest.

Of course, this is the stuff of the movie The Secret. If we say, “I’m miserable,” we tend not only to remain miserable, but to bring more misery to us.

If we say, as Wayne Dyer so wisely, but simply suggests, “I choose to be Happy,” we call to us happiness.

It’s impossible to hold a miserable though and a happy thought at the same time. Our emotional “body” will pick one.

So, choose happiness!

Please visit my web site: BlytheAyne.com