Finding Your Path, Engaging Your Purpose

Finding Your Path,
Engaging Your Purpose –
How to Engage the Power of Intention
To Discover and Fulfill Your Destiny

provides a 12-step process to gain insight into your Life’s Journey, with concrete actions to take that will move you forward on your intended path.

Dr. Blythe Ayne shares insightful examples from her years as a psychotherapist to show you that you are not alone on this sometimes challenging and lonely-seeming path. Included are vignettes of the power of peace, joy, love, and happiness in the lives of people who take action to explore their potential and fulfill their destiny.


To get different results, begin now to imagine different behaviors. Habits lull people into a hypnotic state. Shake things up to come out of hypnosis. Unplug the television. Turn the phone off. Drive a different route. Eat mindfully. Be in the moment. Really, truly, wake up and be in the moment.

Five Suggestions to Begin Your Journey:

1. Do what you love and love what you do. Loving what you do will step right over self-doubts, lack of clarity, confusion.

2. Be filled with gratitude. Be grateful for every moment, be filled with joy. Gratitude brings you into the moment. When you are thankful, more of what you are thankful for comes to you. Stay in gratitude so that you will notice when what you’re looking for arrives.

3. Be conscious. Live consciously and trust your insights and your inner “knowing.”

4. Make a decision to trust yourself and to trust what comes into your life, through work, play, quiet times and dreams. You are a creative being and creative beings call events and circumstances to themselves.

5. Encourage and nurture optimism, joy, love, and peace. These emotional states—optimism, joy, love and peace—keep the train of your intention solidly on the tracks of personal growth.

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Comments made by people who have taken Dr. Ayne’s Finding Your Path, Engaging Your Purpose course, from which the book has been developed:

“I feel I’ve broken through a space of inactivity spiritually and emotionally. I’m journaling again, and I’m writing my goals and completing them. Because of my work in Dr. Ayne’s Finding your Path, Engaging Your Purpose class I encouraged a co-worker, a single mom with two small children, to go back to college, and she did!”
R. D.

“The universe responds, with Dr. Ayne, in touch with Source, as teacher. All that we desire to explore will be found. The teacher is here in her.”
Julieanne C.

“Dr. Blythe Ayne helped me cut through the clutter to what was really important to me. As an added bonus, many people have commented on how grounded I have become, and how much more “in tune” I seem to be to myself and my environment. Her principles definitely work; she produces results.”
Chris C.

Houdini loves Finding Your Path, Engaging Your Purpose
Buy your copy today, to begin your unique journey to your heart’s desire!
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