
Do you ever feel like mayhem has broken out?

Like things are in disorder? Like chaos is in the driver’s seat? Like all hell has broken loose?

Well, sometimes, it’s true! Sometimes there’s havoc, pandemonium, bedlam, turmoil, confusion, madness.

Sometimes – there is.


But! Don’t be pulled into the maelstrom.

As mayhem was breaking out around me during a particularly troublesome period, I stumbled upon a talk by Gregg Braden, with whom I’ve studied in the past. This was surprisingly serendipitous. 

He said two things I’d like to pass on. I hope you find them helpful….

Dr. Braden said he’d been on all the continents except Antarctica over the previous two years, giving seminars and workshops. He said what he noticed, in the midst of the larger, planetary mayhem we’re in, is that people are waiting. All over the world, people are waiting. 

His observation was that people are waiting for the world to return to how things used to be. And, while everyone is waiting for things to return to the way they used to be, things are falling apart more.

He said he wanted to communicate two things to people who are listening….

1. Things are not going to return to the way they were.

Not in our individual lives, and not globally. Stop waiting. Acknowledge that things – the world climate, the world economy, and so many other aspects of our lives and the life of the planet – have changed. They will not go back to the way they were.

Our minds must change as well. We must wake up and accept these changes. And get on with it. 

Get on with it!

2. And the second thing he observed is that once we accept that things will not return to the way they were, it is time to ask:

“What do people need?”


“What does the planet need?”



Two Vital Questions

He illustrated his points with a story about his neighbor who was a builder of beautiful homes. This man was very successful, with many employees, and his homes in great demand.

Then the bottom fell out of his home-building business. He had no business, he had no employees. His life was suddenly a sinking boat. One night he woke in the middle of the night, thinking and thinking. He came to these two statements:

1. Things will never again be as they were before. 

2. What do people need?

The result of his self-query was a design for gardens ranging from one by one foot, to four by eight feet. His gardens became in great demand. He’s more successful now than when building homes.

So!… The point of this post is not about his success. That’s merely the fallout of what’s vitally important. What’s important is:

1. Things will never again be as they were. 

2. What do people need, what does the planet, need?


What about You?

You can be amazing in the midst of mayhem. You can make positive changes that help others and you can help Earth. 

Yes, you!

You can become quiet and still in equanimity and ask, “What do people need?” “What does the planet need?”

Let the answer rise into your consciousness. Only you can do what you can do.

Only you ….

Blythe Ayne

       Read Gregg Braden’s book: Human by Design for more insight. 


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