Spring Equinox!

Happy Equinox!

Yesterday was the first day of spring – it got by me, as I’m hard at work on my soon-to-be-published book, “Finding Your Path, Engaging Your Purpose,” titled after my 12-week course by the same name.

Have a lovely, happy, healthy spring, all ye in the northern hemisphere – and happy autumn to everyone below the equator!
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I am sooooo ready for SPRING – healthy, D3-making sunshine returns, my yoga studio is open again, Camas Liberty Theater is open again, the hummingbirds are flitting about, I’ve planted a primrose lane outside my front door, AND! the fairies have planted some tiny little flowers in my little fairy garden that I did not plant(!) – all kinds of SPRING goodies!

🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀 🌺 🥀

#SpringEquinox #HappySpring #LoveFromHouseOfTree

Happy Valentine’s Day – with Love From House of Tree!

#ValentinesDay #LoveBirds #LoveFromHouseOfTree
Thank you to HDWallpapers for the beautiful bird kiss.

Birds Flying in High Winds

Living in the forest and watching nature on a daily basis, I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot of birds in flight. I’ve noticed that, generally speaking, when there are high winds (which are frequent when one lives at the mouth of a gorge) there is rarely a bird in the sky. But on occasion, there is.

Raven Watch

Today there were high, high winds – the tops of the fir trees danced about, while the lower branches were as still as on a bucolic spring afternoon. I saw a raven plying these heavy winds, and wondered, how will he get to where he wants to be if the wind is blowing in a different direction from his destination stronger than his wings can prevail?

He happened to be at some distance and I was able to watch his progress across the big sky.

Here is what I saw – The raven beat his wings a bit, pointing north. Then he’d glide, letting the wind, which was driving just about due west, take over. The raven’s flight would be taken west. Then he’d point north and beat his wings, and then glide with the wind taking him due west. In this stair-step fashion, he made his way across the sky. When he got to my forest, he settled in the tallest tree. Behind him I watched as several of his companions performed the same exercises of flight, until they finally had a meet-up in the big tree.

Winds of Life

Nature can be very accommodating in providing us with visual examples of the lessons we might learn. Beat your wings a bit to keep your heading, but mostly allow yourself to use the Winds of Life to provide forward motion in the direction you mean to go. Fighting the winds, one will never get to goal. Employ the winds, and you’ll soon be in your favorite tree, chatting with your companions.

Say Hello to Some of my Forest Friends….


This gallery contains 8 photos.

4 Point Deer – Below The Deck   “Hi there!” Rocky Raccoon standing at the door                                “Notchie” – intrepid little squirrel warrior sun bathing on the … Continue reading

A Prayer of Love for Animals

Now is the perfect moment
To love all the creatures dear
As we never know how much longer
They will be with us here

All of our animal friends
Give our lives sweet meaning
Whether chasing a ball in the yard
Or their lovely feathers preening

Whether far, far away
In some exotic, distant land
Or right in your back yard
Under your loving hand

I thank you darling Nature
For all the gifts you’ve bestowed
For the stunning array of creatures
From jungle heat to arctic cold

For all the moments of joy
My own little friends provide
When the evening shades fall
Sitting right here by my side.

Blythe Ayne

House of Tree

Come into the forest
Take a walk with me
I’d like you to be my guest
At my little House of Tree

You and I will have
The most enchanting time
When you visit my darling home
Made of rock and wood and rhyme

I will serve you my phenomenal
Leaf and magic pie
All ingredients of the forest
From elf-moss earth to fairy sky

I mix it all together
With incantations of peace and love
While the dryads add their healing
From roots below and twigs above

You will never want to leave
My charming House of Tree
You will find it beyond delightful
To enjoy leaf pie and drink moss tea

And I? I will be so happy
If your dreams in my forest come true
Because my fondest wish is always
That LOVE surrounds all you be and do

So, look up into the sky
Wherever you may be
And wish with all your heart
To visit my House of Tree

In a twinkling you’ll be here
Before you can blink your eyes
I’m now gathering the ingredients
For Autumn magic leaf pies.

Blythe Ayne


Little Rabbit at House of Tree

Bunny On Half Shell

It’s spring, and this spring there are sooo many rabbits. When they see me on my morning walk, they scurry off into the underbrush of the blackberries, reminding me of the stories of Br’er Rabbit. Well, the reason rabbits live happily in the impenetrable briars of blackberries is that at ground level, at the base of blackberries, there are virtually no thorns. 

On this particular morning as I ambled along the bird-song enhanced winding road, I looked up from my reverie and saw a rabbit sitting in the middle of the road. He regarded me as if to say, “Finally you notice me!” 

That was unusual enough. 

But then the little rabbit – instead of scurrying into the underbrush – hopped ahead of me on the road. He stopped and looked back, then hopped another twenty feet, staying on the road. I continued following, and he continued to hop twenty feet, then look back at me. Was he about to pull out a pocket watch and mutter, “I’m late, I’m late!”? (Perhaps Lewis Carroll experienced this peculiar rabbit behavior to inspire the the beginning of the story he told his niece, Alice.) 

The rabbit’s hopping and stopping and looking back at me continued for over a hundred feet. At this point he stopped, looked at me pointedly, and then, now far from blackberries, hopped between a pair of stately fir trees. As I came up to the two trees, I saw a definite path between them that led uphill and into tall grass.  

Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, dear reader, by saying I did not follow the rabbit on that little path. I had the entirely pragmatic and human thought that I would be trespassing on a neighbor’s land. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t follow the thought in my mind. As I continued on my walk, I reflected in awe at the behavior of the rabbit. I’ve experienced numerous wonders in nature, and this event has been added to my list of “Small Miracles.” 

What came to me in my reflection is this: I have come through the rabbit hole into this life, into this stunning, beautiful, mysterious and spectacular world. Atoms coalesced to fabricate “me,” and I have the pleasure of my five senses. I daily give gratitude for the myriad birdsongs, I revere the majestic fir and magnolia trees, I drink in the green all around so intense it makes the soul sing. 

I contemplate the fog rising up from the stream bed at the bottom of the forest. I commune with rabbits, deer, raccoon, opossum and the neighbors’ cats, goats and the lone alpaca. I breath air that is fresh from rain. 

But here’s the important factor – I get to know all of that. I have intelligence and emotions that process this sensate data. Gratitude and love well up in me in appreciation of my magnificent world. 

May you be attentive to the mystical rabbits that appear in your life – and may you be filled with gratitude and love. 

My Rescue Geese – Part 1

I have pet geese. You’ll never know how wonderful, smart, funny and companionable a goose can be unless and until you get to know one for yourself. It’s important, for the full appreciation of the story I’m about to tell, to realize two things about domestic geese:

  1. They are very social. And I don’t mean just with other geese. They are social with people. If they’ve been raised in a fairly friendly relationship with a person, they will run to you when you step outside, they will chat amiably with you when you sit down and talk with them, or when you put them to bed.
  2. Domestic geese cannot fly. They have great and glorious wings, which they flap mightily when they run, but rarely will they leave the ground more than a few inches for more than three or four seconds.

So – on to my story:

One evening, during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, I went to my yoga class at my local fitness center. I came out into the night and looked up at a gorgeous full moon in a clear, cold sky. As I started to leave the parking lot, I noticed two birds near the front entrance of the fitness center, standing in the roadway. They were fairly large, and, from the distance, I decided they must be a couple of seagulls, glowing white under the moonlight.

But something about their body language took my attention. Their “shoulders” were sort of slumped, and one thing a sea gull never does is slump his shoulders. If it was just one seagull, I’d think it was not well, but two? No, that’s too strange.

I whipped my car around and drove up to the birds, who stood, forlorn and clearly confused, in the road.

Domestic Geese!
They were a pair of domestic African Grey geese – the very same sort of geese I have! Standing in the parking lot of the fitness center, at the edge of a shopping area, with no reasonable place for them to have come from for miles. I parked my car, got out and walked up to them.

Now, here’s the deal with domestic geese. If you sit quietly, they will come up to you to chat. But if you pursue them, they run. The two geese evaded me, but without conviction. When I stopped and just talked to them, they stopped. By bits and starts, I finally got ahold of one of them. Although she appeared fairly large and was fully fledged, when I picked her up she weighed about half what I expected, and I could tell then that she was quite young – barely a teenager in goose terms.

The challenge now – how to get the other goose with one under my arm?

End of Part One
Stay tuned for more goose adventures.

My Rescue Geese – Part 2

As I leaned over, one goose under one arm, reaching out to the other goose, a couple of Asian men came out of the fitness center.

Imagine this picture, if you will. A few days after Christmas, in the full moon light, a woman is standing outside of your fitness center with a goose under her left arm, reaching for another.

The men chuckled, while I, naively, imagined one of them might help me. I said, “These are domestic geese. They cannot fly. They can’t take care of themselves. I’m trying to catch the other one.”

“Are you going to call animal control?” one of them asked.

“Sure,” I said, thinking, no. No, I don’t think so.

I reached out and, bingo! grabbed the neck of the other goose. There I hovered, one goose under arm, the other, neck in hand. The second goose stood patiently, as though this is what he did with strangers every day, while I held his neck.

Right then a young man came out of the fitness center. Taking in the scene, he said, “Are you catching the geese?”

Which made everyone – including me – laugh. Under the heading: “Making a Profoundly and Absurdly Obvious Statement.” I wanted to come up with and even funnier “no, I’m (fill-in-the-blank).” But with a goose under one arm and a neck in the other hand, I simply said, “Could you please help me?”

“Okay,” he came up to me.

“Could you pick up this other goose? Just put you hands around his wings and put him under your arm.”

“Okay,” he said. “I’m not afraid of geese,” he said, not moving.

“Good. There’s nothing to be afraid of. These are very young geese, and they’re clearly confused. I’m guessing they got too big or too noisy for whoever thought it’d be cute to have a pair of geese, and they put them in the pond by the road. The geese came over here where they saw people.”

He finally picked up to goose.

“Which was not very smart,” I continue, “as these are domestic geese. They can’t fly, and you don’t put them in with wild birds.” I had figured this all out as I pursued the geese, and my frustration and annoyance with people who are irresponsible with animals rose.

The Asian men, seeing that the geese were captured and the larger portion of the drama over, wandered off to their cars. I asked the young man to hold onto the goose for a minute while I went inside.

I stepped into the fitness center and – this is the part of the story where you, dear reader, get to play…. A woman steps into a fitness center with a goose under her arm and says…. _______________________________________________________.

Where’s the Hidden Camera?

Anyway, what I did say to the young man behind the counter was, “There are these two domestic geese in the parking lot. I’m going to take them home with me. If anyone comes in saying they’re missing their geese, you know who I am, let me know.”

He nodded at me, utterly bemused, like, “Where’s the hidden camera?”

I went back outside. The goose-holding young man had attracted a couple of girls, who thought it was too adorable that he was holding the pretty goose, and can we pet him?

I happened to have a couple of big totes in the back of my Subaru station wagon. The geese had a nice little spot to settle in behind them. Otherwise, they would have been flying all over the car. My goose-holding friend put the goose he held in the car, I put the goose I held in the car and he slowly closed down the hatch door as I held onto the geese.

I stood and shook his hand. “You’ve done a good deed tonight. You’ve earned positive karma for helping these poor little geese, who probably would have been run over before long if we hadn’t rescued them.”

He nodded, waved and headed for his car. I – or we, the geese and I – headed for home.

End of Part 2 (Stay tuned for: Rescue Geese – Part 3 – Their New Home)

Rescue Geese – Part 3

Two Goose Heads

The two little goose heads bobbed up and down in the back window of my car as I drove home. I chuckled as one car and then another came up close behind me, trying to figure out what they were seeing.

It’s not hard to imagine the conversation:

“Look! It looks like goose heads!”


“In the back of the car in front of us.”

“Well… what are they?”

“I say it’s geese.”

“Are they real?”

“I don’t know. They look real.”

Before long, we, the geese and I, were home. I backed up the car to where they would spend the night, making a little stall in the garage and putting down straw, water and cracked corn.

The two little geese talked quietly with me as I sat with them for a while. They settled right in, and soon little Twiddle-dee and Twiddle-di
were sitting side by side, fast asleep.


1 Goose, 2 Geese-first snow

Some of the snowflakes look like orbs, don’t they?

Encounter with a Mystic Owl – Owl Be Seeing You

Dream Group

I go to a dream group twice a month, and thank goodness too, because that’s where I get my centering, my balance, my clarity about what’s going on in the so-called “real world” by the insights my guru dream partners share with me.

Interestingly, I frequently have luminous, numinous experiences on my drive back home after these often late-into-the-night meetings. The first meeting in January was one such occasion. As I drove down the little road that leads to my home, the moon bright in a cold, clear sky, myself deep in thought, I was startled by a gigantic bird flying directly in front of my headlights, at headlight level.

Mystic Owl

I realized it was a gorgeous, gigantic owl, with a wingspan that reached from edge to edge of my windshield. I stopped my car, having seen him land in a leafless Alder beside the road. I peered through the windshield up into the tree. The owl sat on a low branch, inside the umbra of my headlights, as if he knew he would come to no harm from me. I looked at him, awe-struck. Owl-struck. Having never seen an owl so “nonchalant” in my entire life, I dared to slowly get out of my car and approach the tree. The owl watched me, his head moving smoothly on it ball-bearings, around, around, keeping his eyes on me.

When I stood a mere five feet from him him I said, “Well… what?

He studied me for a few moments longer, perhaps trying to give me the answer… the “WHAT” that I wondered. The “what” that he knew.

Then slowly, with a graceful bow of the the tree branch, he rose, lazily sweeping his gigantic, stunning wings through the crisp winter evening and into new year air, disappearing among the trees of the forest.

Dream-like, I watched him until I could not see the faintest edge of his wings …. 

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day

– and Happy Birthday to my Father today!

I cat sat & dog sat for my friends while they took a day off to run up to Seattle.


The dog and I went on a delightful walk last night, watching the rushing white-water stream, all roiled up in the wake of two months of rain every day. Lovely companionship with the Mitra dog, who appears to find everything equally as enchanting as I do. She and I chatted with the naiads sitting on the big rocks while the water crashed around them.

Back up at the house, a couple of throws of the frisbee, and then a paw drying session (for Mitra. I didn’t need one, having worn shoes).

On our walk this morning, however, Mitra did not find my fascination of the giant red slug nearly as interesting as eating grass. She grazed like a little cow on the tall, wet grass while I studied the amazing grace of the slug trailing its hermaphrodite body across the winding driveway, moving on invisible ball bearings.

Quite intriguing ….

Back up at the house, a couple of frisbee throws, a drying of the paws and then, back inside to tell the cat of our adventures.

Cat & Moth

Who completely forbore listening to us, having discovered a moth to make soft muttery sounds to on the other side of the window.

An utterly sweet evening in the country ….


Ides of May & the First Swainsen’s Thrush

It’s been a very busy time of late. But what inspires me to write now, finally! is that late yesterday evening, as the shades of dusk were pulled, I finally heard the First Swainsen’s Thrush of the season.

All through winter I wait for the return of this unassuming little brown bird with the magical call from another dimension. All previous beautiful sounds fall away as if they are nothing in the wake of this lilting, haunting call, echoing through the forest in the evening and, sometimes, in the early morning.

It makes me feel that all, perhaps, could be right with the world. Even if it’s not right now, I have faith!

My Books can be found on Amazon:

45 Ways to Excellent Life – 45 Action Meditations – something you can do every day to enrich your life and make you happy.

Save Your Life with the Power of pH Balance Have you heard people talk about the importance of pH balance, but you don’t really know what they’re talking about?

Because pH balance is so important to your health and the health of the planet, I read everything I could get my hands on and distilled it down to this one very easy to read and understand book. It truly could contribute to saving your life or the life of someone you love.

Love Is The Answer is filled with love. A perfect gift to give to anyone you love!

My Winter Forest

Winter Light

Almost 7:30 a.m. The light steals very, very shyly about the forest … winter light begins to reclaim its dominion earlier and earlier.

The sky edges away from a color not found on any palate … a kind of black-purple-blue, tinged with green. It fades and fades, until the predawn light rolls in, and all becomes familiar as the keys to the Kingdom of Light are handed over to the day.

The rain that has steadily fallen all night has stopped, and the remaining drops play a slow syncopation off the gutters and deck, a patient metronome.

Rushing Waters

I hear the river rushing several hundred feet distant, I see in my mind’s eye the river rocks becoming polished… incomparable coins in the river bed, each unique. They lay at the bottom of the clear, rushing water, watching the sun and moon and stars, a clock face, above.

Song birds look for their reflection in the little pools that eddy along the side of the hurrying water, while the stealthy coyotes come to the water’s edge, looking over their shoulders. Always pursuers, always pursued. One by one they lean down to drink the cold, cheerful water while a sentry keeps watch.

This is my winter forest.

the road home in winter light

Barking Birds

I inexplicably awake a few minutes before three a.m., and step outside. It’s as still as a stage during the night between performances. Entangled among the fir trees, the moon—near full in a clear sky—shines, an alabaster globe, casting a light among the branches that falls upon the ground in great sheets of lace.

Bathed in Alabaster Light

I stand, small and quiet, bathed in the alabaster light, until I, too, become an alabaster being. A tableau of beauty apart from the ordinary, the clever moon possesses the night. She is a lesser god, creating silhouette vignettes from borrowed light, as if the very echo of “let there be light” is captured by her, so she too might create a world, in bas relief and black and white.

Rapt in a silken night, I listen to a tiny screech owl in a nearby tree, and another, several trees distant, replying.

Then I hear another sound, like a soft and gentle dog’s bark—as if a dog were dreaming this exact same pristine scene. But the sound comes from overhead. The intermittent bird call moves off to the north, then comes another. Then a third and a fourth, the quiet calls emerge from just below the tree line. They—whatever sort of bird they are—are spaced about a hundred feet apart, gently barking to one another in the deep well of night, companionably together, even with the distance between them. They sail the night sky, bathed in moonlight, nocturnally trekking. I imagine them settling, finally, to sleep in trees or upon a lake before the sunrise.

Take Me with You

“Take me with you,” my heart calls out. Instead, the glorious night falls into complete and utter silence. I turn and go back to my own bed, not so far distant, and curl up with the cat.